Friday, September 21, 2007

avogadro the inventor

today i wondered: why do my diet flavors have to be restricted to what caretaker species eats? cats have a wide variety of food out there in nature, not just processed meat.
below i am listing some ideas for new food/treat flavors:


other flavors based off caretaker species diet:

-roast beef
-peanut butter

i'm just throwing it out there. it's time for a change. who's with me??

avogadro is tired today. tonight, she sleeps.


Shawn Gizzle said...

I hear ya. Might I also recommend the delectable flavors of bacon, strawberries, and baby?

avgodro! said...

momma cats eat their kittens sometimes.
only the lame ones, though. still, kitten flavored treats give the name 'kitty treat' a double entendre, doesn't it?